Viking Splash, Ireland, choose DigiTickets

6th May, 2014

One of Dublin's most popular attractions choose DigiTickets to deliver their complete ticketing solution.  Having spent over a year researching a huge range of ticketing suppliers seeking a solution to meet their complex needs without success, we were delighted to be given the opportunity to present our solution which instantly impressed.

Seeking an integrated solution across online ticketing, weatherproof roaming ticket sale solutions, call centre ticketing, wireless redemption points / headcount management for the DUKW's and much more besides, we were very pleased to be awarded the contract.

Now trusted by 3 of the most popular attractions in Dublin having already developed long standing relationships with Dublin Zoo and Butlers Chocolates, we are very excited to be working with the team at Viking Splash to drive their ticketing technology forwards.

For further information, please visit

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